Saturday, 14 June 2008


Wah! I am almost halfway through my first pastoral experience... and what an experience it has been. Meetings on weekday evenings, communion on weekend services and camps!!! Also, the mandarin speaking groups are excited to have an attached seminarian conversant in the language as well. 

It has also been a deeply spiritual experience as well. I just cannot explain how many times the Lord has guided me through my quiet time and meditation to inspire the sharings I have been invited to give. The mighty hand of the Lord works wonders !!!

And before I end, there are some photos from the Confi 1 (Sec 1) Camp.

Mean bikers.... during one of their games...

Hands tied for their walk to East Coast Park

and they gotto feed each other breakfast with their hands tied...

Who can resist making something beautiful in the sand...... 
better than building sand castles in the air rite??

What else can sum up my feelings better than these words.....

Looking forward to the next two weeks.

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